Chair's Reports

24 results found


STAP Chair's opening remarks at the ninth Global Environment Facility Replenishment Technical Advisory Group Meetings in Washington, DC.

Report of the Chair of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel to the 68th GEF Council Meeting

Categorized Under: Global

Report of the Chair of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel to the 67th GEF Council Meeting

This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair. It provides an update on STAP's work since the last Council Meeting.

This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair. It provides an update on STAP's work since the last Council Meeting in December 2022.

This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair. It provides an update on STAP's work since the last Council Meeting in June 2022.

This report to the GEF Council will be presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair. It provides an update on STAP's work since the last Council Meeting in December 2021.

This report to the GEF Council will be virtually presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair. It provides an update on STAP's work since the last Council Meeting in June 2021.

This report to the GEF Council will be virtually presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair, on 16 June 2021. It provides an update on STAP's work since the last Council Meeting in December 2020.

This report to the GEF Council was presented virtually by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair, on 8 December 2020. It provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in June 2020.

Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair, submitted this report with the GEF Council to provide an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in December 2019.

“This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum on 17 December 2019 in Washington, DC, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in June 2019.”

“This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum on 11 June 2019 in Washington, DC, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in December 2018.”

“This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum on 19 December 2018 in Washington, DC, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in June 2018.”


“This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum on 25 June 2018 in DaNang, Viet Nam, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in November 2017.”

“This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum on 28 November 2017 in Washington, DC, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in June 2017.”

This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair, on 24 May 2017 in Washington, DC, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in October 2016.


This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair, on 25 October 2016 in Washington, DC, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in June 2016.


This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair, on 8 June 2016 in Washington, DC, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in October 2015.

This report to the GEF Council was presented by Rosina Bierbaum, STAP Chair, on 20 October 2015 in Washington, DC, and provides an update on STAP’s work since the last Council Meeting in June 2015.


Showing 1 - 20 of 24